Fixed velocity

Is there a way to set up full velocity from the keystap 37 to an external synth (Roland S1 in my case) ?
It is possible through the sequencer though but I need it from the keyboard itself

Hi @iologic and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

The KS37 is a GREAT little controller, i have one here and it gets used LOADS!!! They’re deceptively powerful for their size.

You should grab a copy of The Manual if you haven’t already.

You can tweak the velocity settings in The Midi Control Centre as seen here on p94/103.


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thanks Mat !
yes, I had many times read the manual try finding the solution but this “velocity box” doesn’t work for me. I have tried all the options (lin, log and antilog)
I would like to have this velocity as a “gate” actually :wink: to fully trigger my synth, no matter how I hit the keystep.

Hi @iologic

Hmm, yeah i tried it on mine with the same result… :confused:
I’m 99% sure i’ve seen a way to do this before, i’ll try and do some digging…