[Feature request]

Hello to everyone,
I would like to request if possible, the addition of these features for the next firmware update of AstroLab:

  • The addition of more Arp modes
  • The addition of the Sync capability to the Midi Looper, to sync it to the Internal or External Bpm Tempo
  • More Polyphony

Thank you very much
All my Best


Not in the next firmware update, but I think this will likely be added in the future.

This is already available in the current firmware 1.3.5.
At this time, AstroLab can receive MIDI Clock + Start/Stop Real-time messages via MIDI or USB/MIDI.

  • In the Looper menu (hold the Play or Rec button for 2-3 seconds), there’s a Tempo Sync option (and also a Transport Receive option to accept Start/Stop commands).
  • When Tempo Sync is enabled, the Sync Source is the one selected in Settings/General Tempo Sync Source (Auto, Internal, USB or MIDI).
  • Note that you can also Start/Stop the Looper with MIDI CC#109 on MIDI Ch1 (value >64 Play / <63 Stop), and if Tempo Sync is disabled, you can tap the Tempo using Shift+Play 4 times or more, or sending CC#110 on MIDI Ch1 (value >64), 4 times or more.

I think that’s unlikely to change in a firmware update.
Remember that the specified polyphony for each instrument is “per Part”, therefore, when you split the keyboard in 2 Parts with instruments that have say, 8-voice polyphony on each part, you have 8 voices on the left hand and 8 voices on the right hand.

Hi Sean,
Ok, do you think there is a real possibility that this will be added? or is it just a guess/hope?

Ok, but I need to understand this matter in a better way, if possible, because it’s not clear to me.
Let’s make an example: let’s say that I have a Pigments patch or a preset that needs more than 8 note of polyphony, in this case if I load that Pigments preset “smeared” on both 2 Parts of the AstroLab, would I fix the polyphony limit of the AstroLab?

Let me know,
Thank you very much

I would say it’s an “educated guess” :wink:
Arturia usually doesn’t confirm upcoming features/updates in advance (unless it’s a pre-announced update, like the upcoming MiniFreak 3 / Pigments 6 compatibility update), so all I know is that more ARP options has been listed in the “requested features” for future updates. No idea when, though.

Yes, if you split the same 8-voice preset in both Part 1 and Part 2, you’ll get a total of 16 voices, but as 8 voices on each side of the Split point.

Thanks a lot for your answers!
So, after receiving a response from Arturia Support via email, they wrote me that: " the polyphony limit depends on many parameters, like the engine used and the effect section in each preset ". Said that, I don’t know how much polyphony the Pigments Modal, Sample or Wavetable engine requires
If I understand correctly, let’s say that I have a “polyphony-intense” Pigments preset to use with AL, so to avoid the AL polyphony limit, do will I have to load it TWICE inside AstroLab and then Split it in both Part 1 and Part 2?
Or, do it will be enough to load this polyphony-heavy preset Only One time and then Split it in both Part 1 and Part 2?
Sorry if I ask it, but I still haven’t AstroLab to try it. Could you give it a try, if possible?

Thank you very much

Yes, you would have to load the preset both in Part1 AND in Part2, and save it as a “Multi” preset (which saves the settings for Part1 and Part2 as one preset, so next time you want that “double” preset, you don’t have to re-program the 2 parts manually)

Hi all,

I don’t have a Astrolab.

Perhaps this might come down to how one think about the polyphony question.

In my book using two instances/ two parts with one instance in each of a sound is’nt the same as expanding polyphony.
Yes it’s possible for one part to cover lower notes and the upper to cover upper notes, but one part will not suddenly be able to use more voices - voices the other part don’t use. Each part will still have a limit.
EDIT: Actually i don’t think i understand why two parts should make more voices in total possible. I assume the voice limitation is a matter of computing power. Is there an explanation for this? EDIT END

Let’s also consider that modulations will work for each part. They might not behave like in a single instrument when using two instruments. That might depend.

Please correct me, if i’m wrong.

Honestly, I still have doubts.
I guess, loading the same Pigments polyphony-intense preset on Part 1 with a max amount of 8 voices and on Part 2 with a max of 8 voices, it will not merge the two parts into a single preset with 16 voices in total.
It’s as if the same “heavy-polyphony” Preset will still have a polyphony Limit of 8 voices on AstroLab, no more, even if I load it on Part 1 and 2 it will still be “broken” into two parts, but you will not be able to achieve a true polyphony of 16 voices for that “polyphony-intense ” preset.
It is different on my Novation Summit where I have a Single Voice mode where a patch can be up to 16 note polyphony, without be summed or splitted
This is my logical supposition of course, but I could be wrong because I don’t have an AstroLab yet.

As I wrote,

So, you’re correct, it doesn’t make 2 x 8-voice parts as a single 16-voice instrument.
i.e. If you play only on the upper part of the keyboard (or only on the lower part), you’ll still hit the polyphony limit of the instrument.
But if you play on both parts / sides of the split point simultaneously, it does give you the extra voices. (in your example, 8-voices on each hand, simultaneously)
Now if you play only 3 notes below the split point, you’ll still have only 8 notes above the split point, not 13.
I hope this clears it up for you.