[Feature Request] Vocal/Formant Oscillator Type?

It would be nice to see a vocal/formant-style oscillator mode. One parameter could morph between the vowels, another can morph between masculine and feminine voice perhaps? (or is that simply a matter of pitch?). Maybe a built-in chorus or unison to create a choir effect?

I agree but wouldn’t that be implemented as a Filter as it is in Pigments?

I guess that’s another way the same effect could be achieved, sure.

I don’t have a MiniFreak, but I have a MicroFreak and there are Formant and Speech oscillator types taken from Mutable Instruments.

The Web site for MiniFreak says that it has them, too.


I admit I overlooked those oscillator types at first. My mistake. That said, they don’t produce the kind of choir-y feel I was hoping to get.