[Feature Request] Turn off velocity from the device and change the Chord/CC Bank button logic

I copied this feature request that I had from the legacy forum since this new forum is followed by Arturia.

There are two features that I would like request:

  1. I use my Keystep 37 a lot with my iPad and some apps respond to velocity by default without the option to turn it off, so if possible, I’d like to be able to quickly turn off velocity sensitivity from the device itself (Maybe by using Shift + Tap if that combo is not already used for something else).
  2. I find it cumbersome to use Shift to switch CC banks because I can’t play the keys and switch CC banks at the same time. My suggestion is to change the logic so that Shift + Chord/CC Bank button switches between modes and then just pressing the Chord/CC Bank button would switch between Banks. To go back to Chord mode you would have to press Shift + Chord/CC Bank button again. That would leave single press of the Chord button in chord mode without a function. That could be used to toggle the Strum value from positive to negative (or vice versa). For example if the value is set to down strokes, holding the Chord button would temporarily change the value to up stroke. Releasing the button would revert the Strum value to down strokes. I think that would be more useful when performing. Maybe there’s a reason why it wouldn’t work, but I can’t see it right now.

Hi @Branis we’re glad to see you here!

Thanks for sharing your ideas of improvement for the KS-37.
We will mark this topic as a feature request to let our team know about it.

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Let’s keep exploring :zap: