[Feature Request] Throwing some ideas for an updated keystep

So I have to KS37 and microfreak; and I’ve looked a bit at what the minifreak has to offer; and I’d really like to see the features of the arp/seq in a new keystep style keyboard. I now use the KS37 as my main daw controller, (as well as if I need to use hardware synths in a composition); and I’ve created a control surface script for controlling device that use the first two banks of four encoders. really useful. I also very much like to have the arp there for quick sketching, but I’m a bit jealous of the features found on the minifreak; and I’m not really in the market for this synth.

now here are the features I’d see in some kind of “dream controller” if you will.
-the arp from the minifreak; specially the mutate and random octave features added. spice and dice could be nice as well.
-an option to “print to sequencer” like on the micro-mini; super useful if you want to play over the arp with the play option. (wonder if this one is doable in a firmware update to the ks37)

daw control: there’s an akai that merged daw controller and hardware sequencer; in the same format. I’d really like that. The feature I use the most is device control but I could do with a few pads for ableton to launch the recording of clips. no need for something super advanced but 8 pots or encoders with a little feedback would be great.
optional: poly aftertouch; the possibility to use the arp inside the seq would be incredible; but maybe that’s a bit out of the scope of this product.

what to keep: the keyboard is top notch in this category, the form factor is great with 37 keys, the pots feel really good; there’s nothing to remove to the general interface. just throwing it out there; I’m wondering if there is something cooking on this front at Arturia

Hi @grrrzzzt we’re glad to see you here!

Thanks for sharing your ideas to improve our products! we really appreciate our community’s feedback.

We will mark this topic as a feature request to let our team know about it.

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