I just recently purchased my MiniFreak and love the thing! I’m looking to use it live with a band that does not use a click, so I’d like to be able to adjust the tempo on the MiniFreak on the fly.
One suggested solution was to use a pedal like the micro.clock by Disaster Area. Has anyone tried this? Can anyone suggest any other ways to accomplish what I’m trying to do?
It would be great if there was a “tap tempo” button on the MiniFreak, but there doesn’t appear to be a way to do this. Preferably I would like to use the MiniFreak on its own without involving a computer and keep things as barebones as possible…
Agree. That was a missing feature i noted early on when i started playing with the synth. Its a great little machine but this hampers its live use in a band setting as you cant use the pattern based stuff and quickly lock into the bands groove. Maybe ive just been spoilt because my other synths have this but be geat if they could accomodate it in a firmware update.
I ended up getting the Disaster Area SMARTClock Gen 3, but being a bit of a midi-ot (not sure if that’s an accepted phrase yet) I haven’t had success integrating the two. This is likely due to my own shortcomings in this area and not because it can’t be done. Lol!
Basically, I think it comes down to the subdivisions the DA pedal is sending and how the MF is listening to them, but I’m a busy guy and I sort of gave up trying. Basically, the clock data ended up being received as either insanely fast or slow — I couldn’t get it to send 1 for 1 info, if that makes any sense. An on-board tap tempo function would make this so much easier!
An alternative might be to slave it to a DrumBrute, but I’m already nearly $400 down after gambling on the DA pedal, so my MiniFreak will have to stay home until she finally learns how to play with others herself… Haha! DrumBrute looks nice and all, but a drum machine just isn’t very high on the list of things I’m looking to buy right now…
Sorry, been out of the loop. No, I wasn’t able to get it to work – but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. I’m not super adept at midi stuff, and haven’t had the time to really sink into trying to sort it out. I have been pondering getting a drumbrute, then using the tap tempo on it to sync the two. Seems like a lot of money to get a tap tempo function though!
This one seems to have slipped under the radar somewhat, i’ve changed the title to a feature request so The Arturia Devs will be much more likely to see it.
I have a Teenage Engineering KOii and have managed use the tap tempo to control the MiniFreak. However, it would be awesome if the MiniFreak had tap tempo natively.
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