at first I want to thank you for your great work on MiniFreak and V!
For the sequencer I have two suggestions:
(1) It would be nice if the sequencer had two modes for handling pages. Those could be named “Continous” and “Manual” and go to the sound settings. The contiunous mode works as current. In the manual mode only the selected page is played. So the pages could be treated as independent individual loops and be fired when wanted.
(2) It would be helpful if the pages would follow the sequence so that the step LEDs always represent the played notes on the current page. This behaviour could also be set in the sound settings (or global?)
I tend to use Logic’s Pattern region for sequences, that way I can copy it to any instrument in the project for a faster workflow. I’ll also turn an arp into a sequence for the same reason. Plus you can physically see the notes and have a better idea how to build on them musically. But that’s me.
+1 for these suggestions.
I have an additional idea:
beside the option to set the length of the sequence’s bars cycle (16/32/48/64 via “last page”), i imagine an option to set the starting page.
Hence, we were able to cycle even page 32+48, or every other combination of succeeding pages.
With that feature, the mode you called “manual” would be included, when length is set to one page and the new starting page parameter would be easily accesible, also while jamming live, without inconvenient special key-combination. Right, or am i missing something?
YES. It drives me crazy that it doesn’t do this by default, if I’m live recording a 64 step sequence, I don’t want to see steps 1-16 while i’m in the middle of recording steps 33-48, and if I’m actively using both hands to play I can’t reach over to change the page in the middle of it.