[Feature request] "Recent notes" as on/off modulation source

The “duophonic aftertouch”, that only applies the aftertouch effect to the last note or notes played, works great: Most obvious use case (at least for me) is to add a vibrato to the last played note, adding drama to the lead of a melody line on top of a chord.

I am pretty sure that internally, this duophonic aftertouch works by multiplying the current aftertouch level by 1 for the most recent notes, and by 0 for all other notes.

Possible new feature:
It would be great to have this 0/1 indicator available as modulation source. This would allow, for example, to have the modulation wheel (or pitch wheel, or pedal, or any other modulation source), to only affect the most recently played notes. Or everything but the most recently played notes. Or something in between.

Use cases:

  • You may want to play a chord, and the envelope lets a filter kick in over time, but leaving the leading (most recent) note unaffected and thus standing out.
  • You may want to pitchbend only the leading (most recent) note while keeping the chords below in tune.