[Feature Request] Pitch shift and time stretch in Pigments

Hello, i really like this instruments, but it looks something very important is missing: pitch shifting and time stretching
Excpecially the pitch shifting is vital for me
Is there an di don’t notice, or is there a workaround to do that?

Hi @Stefanocps we’re glad to see you here!

Not currently AFAIK, you could try the ‘Pitch Shift Delay’ in the included effects, somehow i don’t think that’s what you’re after though?

We will mark this topic as a feature request to let our team know about it.

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yes the shimmer is not what i am talking about. I am talking about 2 very usefula and in certain way common functions. It is starnge that a beautiful sampler as pigments don t do that. It is really a pity!

That’s what i figured, who knows what the future will bring though. Pigments is ever evolving so you never know!

hopefully will be quick…i am now in a mood to choose what sampler to use…

may be meanwhile, spomeone can tell me some workaround for pitch shift