[Feature Request]: Open current VST in Ableton Live on Encoder Click

Currently, when clicking the big encoder knob (on a track with an Arturia VST loaded), the KeyLab MK3 displays the selected Instrument on its display and we’re able to control the device with the knobs and faders, which is wonderful! :grinning:

But: usually I want to see what I’m doing on the corresponding Instrument / VSTs’ UI on my Computer display too.
As of now, I have to fumble with my mouse and click the corresponding little icon in Ableton Live to launch the devices’ UI (or alternativley use a before defined keyboard-shortcut). :unamused:

My whish:
It would be a great enhancement when it would be possible to open the UI of the selected VST with a click of a button on KL3, perhaps even with an option to set this behavior as default (like ‘open Arturia VSTs in Ableton on encoder click’) when clicking the big encoder!

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Isn’t there an Ableton option to Open (any VST window) on default? Maybe that would suit you?

HI @StefanS and thanks for the idea, we’ll leave it marked up so The Arturia Devs are aware of it.


‘Isn’t there an Ableton option to Open (any VST window) on default? Maybe that would suit you?’

No, not really. There are several options how the VST-windows can be controlled, but the requested feature still would be a great enhancment.