[Feature Request] - new mode for Functions

I have found myself using the keyboard feature increasingly to map elements of Pigments across the keyboard. It’s great but is restricted to one instance that can be applied multiple times but only in a plus or minus fashion.

It occurred to me that Functions 1-3 which can be set to either LFO or Envelope mode, could be used if there was a Keyboard mode similar to the existing Keyboard feature. This omission seems like a wasted opportunity. Please, can an additional keyboard mode for Functions be considered.


Interesting idea. How are you using it/wanting to use it?? Something non-musical??

I use the existing Keyboard feature to create keyboard spilts/fades but it can be used in a variety of ways such as increasing LFO speed as you play higher notes or increasing FX amounts. These are just 3 examples I have used but it’s really fun to experiment with and allowing the Function to duplicate this functionality would be great.

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Hi @Funtmaster

I’ve marked this up as a feature request for you now…


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Hi @Funtmaster,

You can allready use the 3 Combinate modules. Use REMAP and select KBD as Source. Does’nt this work for your needs?


I will try that out. However, adding the ability in the Functions seems a simple addition and will not use up the Combinators which I may want to use elsewhere.

A long time ago i among other things have suggested a Position parameter for the Functions. Then that Position parameter could be modulated by all modulators to set the Functions playhead/ position on the timeline. This would be done in a Static mode, so the Function don’t run but stay at the set position. I’m not sure it’s possible.

Just telling what can be done allready.

That would work.

Yes - that works - thanks. However, I would also like to have some of the functionality found in Function such as the grid, drawing tools and the ability to save presets. My original request stands as the use of Combinators is still dependant on the Keyboard curve and not independent of it as I am requesting.

Yes that’s true.