[Feature request] Modal Engine user sample in the Transient exciter list

I’m testing the new modal engine these days.
I developed a collection of impact sounds (wav) and I would like to test those in the modal engine as exciters. A sample option is in the Transient Exciter at the left side, currently it allows to choose a sample in a list. We may enjoy those 10 options for a while, yet I suspect I could do more with my 50+ input sources (including wood, finger, various mallets, stones, and the like…). Hope Arturia will allow a user file input here, best would be linking a user directory in the samples folder as with the _Noise directory for the Utility Engine.
Finally I’m not sure I can get it work with the audio input option for this job, I’m not getting the point: should I put one of those impact wavs on an audiotrack everytime I hit a finger on my keyboard to play the modal engine? That’s not practical.
Does any other user has idea how to get it work with own’s wav?
Thanks for reading

Hi @fcarosone- Welcome to the community.

You have a valid feature request.

I have not tried it this way my self yet.
But as of now and as my first thought, then i would try to play my sample in a sample instrument and then route it to Pigments 6 audio in.
You could even try to use two instances of Pigments 6. One that play the sample and the other that receive it.

Let us know how it turns out.

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Thanks a lot, this instant answer solves the audio input problem, at the expense of one more track (which with today’s standards in the DAWs, we can bare :slightly_smiling_face:).

Having loadable sounds in the modal engine would be much more elegant, so my feature request remains, and I hope other users will join so that Arturia doesn’t work for me only!!

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Glad it worked.
Thanks for the update.

We must see if Arturia implement your feature request in a future update.

Great tip.

Not sure if i understand the OP. You can load wav files in the Transient folder inside the _Modal Transient folder. They will show in the drop down list.