[Feature Request] MIDI-control over Audiofuse Studio

This might be a feature that is already available but I tried figuring it out myself and scouring the internet and had no luck. I have a Audiofuse Studio and a KeyLab Mkii 49 and I think it would be a really nice feature to be able to control the hidden internal mixer in the Audiofuse Control Center with MIDI CC instead of having to move the sliders with a mouse. If this is already doable please let me know, otherwise is this a feature that is implementable with a firmware update? It would be perfect if it was also possible to use the same control when with MIDI only when using the equipment without a computer since it would eliminate the need of a separate mixer for dawless.
Thanks in advance!


I came here looking for an answer to exactly the same question. I’d happily sign the petition to get this implemented. Like you, I’m using the AF Studio- love it, but have recently moved to a sit/stand setup which puts the hardware out of arms-reach. Being able to control the software via midi would save me a heap of time fiddling around with levels and buttons via mouse- and that’s once I’ve clicked over to the correct window. How do folks with the 8Pre work?? Please Arturia- add this feature!!


This would bring me untold happiness!


Since this feature has been added in the 16rig I am hoping to see it in a future update on the Studio aswell. Any mods here to answer whether or not this is coming?

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Yes Please! I recently got the Loupedeck CT, being able to control Master volume over MIDI would be an absolute game changer! I hope this happens soon.

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This would be absolutely amazing and a much needed feature for the Studio!

Just wanted to maybe keep this request alive by commenting – MIDI control would be incredible and very much appreciated!

i would love to see this feature as well