Yes, I know this topic has been done to death, but I prefer to think of this as “we’re giving Arturia relatively cheap market research.”
So, next version of the ‘freak’ series. Here are my proposed specs. I’m making sure the following is true:
- Full BC with Minifreak is maintained and if you load any Minifreak patch into one of the Megafreak’s timbre slots, it will sound absolutely 100% identical to the Minifreak version.
- The strengths of the Minifreak - flexibility and immediacy - are maintained.
Proposed Specs
12 voice polyphony
4 part multitimbral
3 octave full-size keyboard
two pairs of stereo outputs, one pair of stereo inputs
Same architecture as the Minifreak BUT with the following additions:
1 additional oscillator that’s identical to the minifreak’s Oscillator 1 (so there’s oscillator 1a, oscillator 1b and oscillator 2), and osc 2 can process 1a or 1b or both simultaneously via a routing switch
1 extra full env and 1 extra LFO
Two additional filter modes: 4pLP, and 1pBP (this 1pBP is especially useful for pads and textures, which is something the Minifreak is great for!)
I am not an electrical engineer but from what I know, doing this wouldn’t require very much additional voice card circuitry. And the flexibility of the synth would only be enhanced. It would still be exceptionally immediate, and would allow you to run up to four Minifreak timbres at the same time (albeit in mono).