Since the Oscillators have the “mod quantize” options to enable scaling the pitch changes caused by modulation sources, i wonder if that could be made possible for the glide function as well.
Maybe as additional setting to switch on/off, with off as default, to prevent backward compatibility.
And how about the same for pitch bend?
Hi @Rundraster ,
How would you like glide to work between the quantized notes that have multiple notes between them? If you skip notes, then you would get a step the size of the interval between the quantized notes, and if you does’nt skip the notes that’s not in the “scale” then why quantize?
Do you want the speed of the glide should be the same between the quantized notes no matter the interval between them, if this is possible to do, or how do you imagine it should work?
What’s the difference in your request from simply not quantize when you want too glide?
Thanks for caring and the questions.
Well, a quantized glide would of course only appear if following notes have intervals larger than the current quantization value. Otherwise just the fixed notes should be heard as usual.
But sometimes, it’s time for a big glide.
I would like to have the ability to create a sponteanous ascending/descending cascade of tunings just by pressing the lowest and highest note. The greater the interval, the better. Finally, we have several octaves on every keybed.
This could be a nice performance addition, leading to surprising melodic results?
Regarding the speed, we have the options Time, Rate and Sync, right? Best would be to have them all choosable, just like in “classic” glide mode. But if i had to choose one, i’d prefer Sync, definitely.
Likewise, for pitchbend, this would only make sense with a large bend range and just the chromatic (and maybe the minor/major) intervals. But in case of using both MiniFreak’s scale function and (OSCs) mod quantize, the pitchbender could work as a moderate bluenote generator instead of bending pitch.
And generally, imo, it would be somewhat more consistent to have the mod quantize (still in OSCs pitch settings) affecting also these “manual” ways of pitch modulation (if value large enough…), and if activated.
I agree it would be great, if the Glide and Pitch Wheel/ Strip was tied together with the OSC Mod Quantize settings to create Glissando effects stepping through notes. It would have been logical, if that already was the case, since one expect the Glide is modulating the OSC’s pitch.
I suggest you contact Arturia support through your account to find out if it’s a mistake/ bug that it does’nt work like that or if it’s a feature request.
You can also suggest a USER Scale functionality like in the SCALE Function to be added to the OSC’s Mod Quantize, if that’s what you mean. Or perhaps a choice to use the SCALE sections settings for this.
Ok, thanks for the suggestion.
After thinking over it, i want to make my opinion clear. The current state now is definitely better than the other case, if Glide and Pitch Wheel/Strip were included in the OSC Mod Quantize tie by default.
It’s a good thing to have “classic” seamless glides and bends even when the OSCs tunings are quantized.
And there is an obvious workaround for quantized glissando effects: by setting the Mod Wheel/Strip or a Macro Strip to Pitch. The downside there is then having one mod source “wasted”, means not available anymore for other separate things.
However, it would be still a nice addition to have the choice for the OSCs Mod Quantize affect also the manual pitch controls.
BTW, by trying to not forget any way of pitch modulation i should mention the so-called third LFO of the MiniFreak: the (Mod Strip) Vibrato.
This one is also excluded from OSCs Mod Quantize, and should stay excluded. It is a special, stripped down case of modulation in it’s own way.
By realizing this, i wonder if there is still a logical, hopefully easy way to optionally include the Glide and Bend controls in the OSCs Mod Quantize tie.
Regarding the separate (note-based) Scale function, i think the best addition would be to get the already existing User Scale be choosable in OSCs Mod Quantize settings. That seems to be simpler to implement compared to another complete customizable Scale setting in OSCs Mod Quantize.
If this guess is wrong, even better. I would like any User Scale there, definitely. Maybe that’s the more important part of this feature request.
And what i really like is that the (note-based) Scale function works independently from the OSCs Mod Quantize settings. They are different and should stay this way.
At least the before mentioned idea of a “moderate bluenote generator” could only work under this condition.
I think about contacting the support, but maybe not until i got an idea to shorten and condense this request(s)…