I think it would be useful to have FM amount and FM ratio on the engine page.
Could there be an option to disable the 1980s computer monitor frame around the plugin when in screen mode?
I understand that the new Synclavier regen has multi mode filters. Adding this (per partial and a global filter) would be a great addition for tone shaping.
I think Synclavier V is excellent. I hope it continues to see some love from the Arturia dev team.
This synth is one of best synth among many VST instluments. Really top notch, and I deeply love it.
Adding filter is great. I always want to shape partial sound with filter. If adding filter, adding one more envelope also will be very usefull .
For FM amount, there is already parameter in engine page. Value per point in timeline (labeled “Modulation” just under “Reset All” button). I often use this parameter to shape FM amount, rather using harmonic envelope. Because it is more convinient to much per point base timbre morphing.
I hope Synclavier V2 will be developed in near future.
Adding filters would be great, it would also help adapt the same patch to different songs without changing FM modulation, i.e. the “character” of the patch.
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