[Feature Request] Better visibility in Favorites mode - See which slots have saved presets

Like the title says – In Favorites mode when saving or recalling presets, the 16 step buttons are (usually) all blue. I don’t know if this is a bug… SOMETIMES the step pads are red when no preset is saved and blue with saved presets. But most of the time for some reason they’re all blue and I can’t see a difference between an empty slot and an occupied slot. I don’t know what determines this but it feels buggy.

EDIT: Also when in Favorites mode pressing a step pad that doesn’t contain a saved favorite causes a buggy preset number, like 65 thousand something, to be displayed on screen.

Same on my minifreak. Would like to see this fixed.

The bugginess in Favorites mode is worse than I thought. All of the following seems to happen:
– Cannot see which are occupied vs. open slots.
– Pressing an open slot causes “Preset 65536” to show up on the screen and you can no longer properly save the preset (it tries to save Preset 65536 which is of course not a real preset).
– Pressing the Arp/Sequencer pads in Favs mode does nothing. (is this intentional?) But then I can press the Play/Stop pad to get into Sequencer mode. Something is wrong here.