[Feature Request] Augmented Series Dark Mode request

This is a request for all instruments in the Augmented Series (So far Brass, Piano, Strings and Voices)

The bright interface, for all of these instruments, can be tough on the eyes and can possibly discourage long sound design sessions - especially, in the average studio, where the lighting can be lower.

Are there any plans, in a future Augmented Series updates, to allow the selection of a dark mode for the Augmented Series? This would make the Augmented Series much easier on the eyes, IMHO


Hey @Promidi :zap:
Indeed it could be nice this improvement for our Augmented Series.
Thanks for your feature request, we will let our team know about it.

Make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter 1 to be the first to know about them.


Yes, PLEASE provide a dark mode soon!!


+1 for this please. I really enjoy the sound of the Augmented instruments but the blinding white is a bit much to stare at.


YES! Dark mode please! I own the augmented series and cannot use it because it blinds me (I’m already about 50% blind due to glaucoma). A dark mode like Pigments will make it a pleasure to work in.



Yes please my eyes my eyes!


Please dark mode Augmented Voices!


Yeah, I could go for this too.

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So how 'bout it Arturia? Next update?


In the mean time, I set keyboard shortcuts to invert MacOS/Windows colors. Its annoying doing this repeatedly while working, but its works for now.

+1 for the dark mode :wink:

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hi Arturia, thank you but it has been almost one year and the answer saying
“we will let our team know about it” is not a positive answer anymore, it more looks like
arturia doesn’t care about it and just giving this automatic answer.
please know that we love arturia, i personally love arturia and augmented series and
fragments and motions, but to be honest, i stopped using them just because of this bright white skin with hard to read fonts in light grey… it is almost impossible to make music like this
why don’t arturia at least keep the original white skin but add a “dark mode” choice?
i hope your answer will not be “we will let our team know about it”
thank you…


I too have been using these plugins less because of lack of dark mode. The white mode is just too hard on the eyes.


I sent an email to support and referenced this thread. I think the best method of getting attention to this need is for each of us to contact support.

Now that new Augmented Series products are being released without a proper Dark Mode, it is going to affect a portion of sales, because physical limitations are real to some existing and future customers…especially those who go deep into sound design.

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ˇhe more people that request the same thing, the more likely it is that they will make it happen.

Agree 100%. The current skins are…not good.

I got a reply from Arturia Support a few weeks ago.

“Indeed, this request has been registered in the past and the dev team is actively working on its implementation. I’ll add your ticket to the log to increase priority.”

May be dark mode could also allow to see preset name in Komplete Kontrol mk3 where it is actually written in white on nearly white background.

I would also love to have a darker interface for these instruments. The bright background can be quite startling on the eyes in a dim lit session.

It’s been more than 12 months and still no dark mode for any of the Augmented series…? It’s been a while now since I have even opened up one of these synths… I’m afraid they are just too harsh on the eyes.