[Feature Request] Augmented Series Collection?

I have two of them, Strings and Mallets and they are awesome, and would like to get the rest. There does not appear to be a collection nor do they all show up in the V Collection X.

Does anybody have any idea if there will be a complete collection of Augmented Instruments or if the VCollection will include them all in the next rev?

Also, since do own a couple do you get any credit toward purchasing a collection?

And I also own the 88 Key MK II is there any connection between the Augmented instruments and this controller?

The Augmented do become part of V Collection. V Collection X contains Augmented Strings, Voices, Woodwinds, Brass, and Grand Piano. V Collection XI will no doubt add Mallets and Yangtze, probably releasing in April or May. You should get a discount for already owning some pieces.

thank you for such a rapid response

Hi @Monsemblist

AFAIK, currently there is no ‘Augmented Collection’, but it would actually make sense for some people for sure.
Yes they ARE rather good too, i’ve been using them far more than i ever thought i actually would as they’re so flexible and they sound GREAT!

I’ve tweaked your title to show as a feature request now so that Arturia Staff will be more likely to see it.


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I appreciate it and have also subscribed to the newsletter.

One more question if I purchase the V Collection X now is there a discounted upgrade path when the next version comes out in spring?

HI @Monsemblist

I’m not sure if there’s an upgrade path for The AUGMENTED collection currently, i could be wrong though as myself and the other ‘External Moderators’ don’t actually work for Arturia.
The best way to find out is to Log in to your account to see what personal upgrade offers you might have in there.
Also, you’ll get to hear about any sales first as you’ve signed up to The Newsletter now.


If you buy X now, you will get a discounted upgrade price to XI later. If you own any other Arturia software (like Pigments which is currently on sale and fantastic!), you should get a bigger discount as well, even on a X purchase.