[Feature Request] - Assign Midi Channel Per Drum Note

A classic request, from launch:
I’d like to assign the MIDI channel on a per note basis on the drum sequencer, in addition to assigning the custom note value.
Then I could use the keystep pro as a drum sequencer for, say, a Korg Electribe.

How exciting!


Hi @tartpop we’re glad to see you here!

Thanks for your feature request, we’re working hard to improve the KeyStep Pro features, you’ll here about them soon!

In the meanwhile we will mark this topic as a feature request to let our team know about it.

Please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about them.

Best :zap:

This is definitely something I think would be cool.

Some drum machines (like my digitakt) put drums on different midi channels (giving you the option to pitch those drums with different midi notes)

Or, some people might have a couple of different drum sound producing synths, samplers or drum machines and it could be fun to construct a beat on the KSP using a few different devices, without having to repatch your gear…

I’ve thought about this with some multitimbral synths too, synthesising a kick drum on a virus etc along with some other percussive bleeps and bloops

I can imagine someone with a couple of Volcas and some other such machines, finding value in driving a beat from the 24 note / 64 step drum sequencer in the KSP - it would be a very powerful, fun and I imagine pretty straightforward, addition?

I still really wish this would happen. beatstep pro does it, why not ksp.
ha ha i have been asking for this feature since 2020.

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wow this would be a great feature!
shout out to OP!
great suggestion, stellar!
tartpop, you truly are an geniouse.


what if you could set the midi channel per note on the drum sequencer! Like you can on the beatstep pro!
wow, sick! goofyfoot kickflip!

Is there seriously no way to send a separate midi channel per note? This is how my Bitbox Micro works over MIDI. So I guess I will send back the Keystep Pro. What a joke

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