Please add a switch to allow note start quantizing for the ARP and sequencer so that it always starts on chosen beat division. Currently, one need to be very precise when starting an arp or sequence to avoid being off beat. This can ruin a performance.
Many other synths allow note quantize to be set or not. Like for instance the Deepmind 12.
HI @lukevip and welcome to the Sound Explorers Forum.
Thanks for the request! We’ll keep it logged as such so our team are aware of it.
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To me this is a very important feature.
Any news on this one?
Usually i have a drummachine and then freely play with the arpeggiator to it, but i am not the kind of person who can hit the notes exactly on the beats so it is always off. Which is really annoying.
Ableton push or move quantite easily to the selected grid. Would be cool if polybrute can also do this.
This is an issue for me too.
I had to put a MIDI filter box between my MPCX and the PB to stop the PB running the ARP/SEQ when the MPCX starts: Song Position Pointer, Start, Stop, Continue
Works fine - but I need to be precise to start…
Same issue for LFOs: All need to be set to “Retrig” or the LFO is doing its own thing - free running LFOs are great stuff - if Sync is off.
But in case of “Sync” on, I would like to have a quantizing option too. In most cases it makes more sense if the LFO starts in grid (start position is not the issue) and not slightly shifted.
I am aware that this is an analogue synth, but of the 21st century. Synth players are doing nowadays far more real time tweaking than 60 years ago. A little help is always welcome…