Fastest way to backup all KSP projects?

Using the MIDI control center the process of backing up the KSP is ridiculously slow. Each project transfers very slowly, and worse it appears that they have to be manually transferred one at a time.

Am I missing something here? Is there really no option to easily backup all KSP projects at once ?

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Arturia recommends you purchase a second Keystep Pro and manually enter the patterns and projects. This will alleviate any struggles you may have with the MIDI control center.

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Arturia West Sacramento Sales & Research Division
Managing Associate & Spokesmodel, PhD

Hello !

Sorry I didn’t answer sooner.
You’re right I don’t think there is a way of doing it, which is bad.

I will log this as a feature request and I will try to take a look at it in the following weeks.

Cheers !

I have seven keystep pros, they are essential to my process of composition. As you can imagine that results in many patterns and chains and projects that need to be backed up almopsty daily.

I’m not having any struggles with the midi control center, the MCC is the only one having struggles, with backing up the keystep pro, judging by how very very long it takes to copy these very small files one by one from KSP to MCC.

Thanks, I look forward to some improvement, shall I check back here? Or somewhere else?

Hey !

I will try to let you know if we move forward on this topic.

But I might forget, or be too busy to do so, so please also check MCC changelogs when we release a new version.

Cheers !

Hello. Please tell me I’m missing something. The KSP is an amazing tool for live performance and composition but does anyone at Arturia actually use the KSP pro? Saving projects takes way way too long. Saving your work is veryimportant for a producer, You have to do it all the time, and the snails pace of MCC adds hours of unecessary pause non productive time to the week. Its Terrible. Additionally once the projects transfer into MCC, THEY ARE ALL AUTOMATICALLT TITLED BY THE DATE YOU ADDED THEM TO MCC, NOT THE DATE YOU LAST EDITED THEM. In other words, back up all your keys that PRO is on the same day you’ve got 96 projects that are all the exact same name G that’s really helpful… Or maybe we’re supposed to go manually through all those files in MCC and change all the names manually? You must be joking

This isnt a feature request. This is something that makes the KSP useless to a professional musician for anything other than playing live. I have 8 (EIGHT) EIGHT! Keystep Pros and have built my live show around them. I’ve recently set up my studio in the same flow, composing with them too, but I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to deal with this ridiculous bottleneck process, to take my main sequencers offline so i can copy files so slow its like its 1983.

Update please??? I have spent over $4000 on Arturia hardware. Please tell me there’s a faster way to save my work!