I just got the V Collection 9 last night, so it’s all pretty new.
Are there any of these patches/samples I might recognize?
I found “Yes” is the horn stabs from “Owner Of A Lonely Heart” by Yes, or very close (play C, then G walk up to C).
Lots to learn!
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HI @craigs63 and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum.
Great to see you’ve purchased The V-Col 9!
If you browse the presets you’ll find a whole load of presets you might be likely to recognise, there are rather a lot in there from many different genres!
You’ll have some serious fun just browsing the presets alone, that’s before you get stuck into the other instruments in the collection.
Please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about the latest news from Arturia.
Where do you find the horn stabs?
The preset is named “Yes”. It uses a sample named “TREVHORN”.
Orch2 is the famous stab that was on everything when the CMI came out!
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Indeed it was!
And welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum! too

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Thanks @matjones !
I’ll do a deep dive later but another off the top of my head is ‘Sararr’ that was on “Moments Of Love” by the Art Of Noise and Tears for Fears “Shout” as well as few others.
No worries, yeah there are just so many records out there with CMI sounds on them, along with The EMU II, they really did seem to corner the market for some time.
I think even The Damned used a CMI on their Phantasmagoria album from 1985 iirc… lol ok i used to knock around with quite a few Goths around that time he he