Exporting banks with artwork and images

A long-time issue when exporting a bank from Pigments, the exported bank doesn’t contain the artwork/graphics in the exported file. I haven’t checked it lately, but after talking with Arturia about it for 2-3 years I guess it’s not too high on their to-do list.

Anyone knows if this have been fixed yet?

Hi @Plughugger,

Arturia use installers to do this for their own soundpacks.
I don’t know if this will change. Perhaps it could be possible to build an installer.

You have been in touch with Arturia allready. So they have it as a feature request.

Thanks. It’s really not a big thing, but it makes your library look much prettier :slight_smile:

It’s allready possible to make a folder with Presets and artwork and a file with info how to install it.
I can’t tell if Arturia will come up with something or not. As said Arturia must have your request allready, if you have talked with them 2-3 years about this.
Many have asked for at least a import bank image feature - my self included.

Are there any updates to this? It would be nice to be able to change the artwork for a self created bank inside Pigments. This seems to me a very basic feature, specifically when giving users the option to create custom banks that can also be exported/imported.

And more, where is the user information and profile picture stored on a bank and how can that be changed?

I found that in Pigments 5, you can change the sound bank artwork by right-click on it and select the option Import Image.

Save your sound bank artwork as a PNG file with size of 256 x 256 pixels. Only PNG files are supported.

I noticed on my Mac that when exporting an HEIC files to PNG using Preview (MacOS build-in application) that the colors do not render as viewed on screen. Use other image software that can render and export HEIC files properly. In my case, I used Capture One.

On Mac, the sound bank artwork images are located in folder /Library/Arturia/Shared/images/vc8_images/packs. The filename matches exactly as the name of the sound bank.

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