If you think that Pigment is perfect and finish, i have lot of suggestions to make near than friendly Amiga insteed of poorly Mac stupid interface. But at this time it take times and frustrations to enter a value by zigzagging with the mouse. Habitually 13 december is an upgrade date for Pigments but why to stop developpement, not enough sales ?
Hi @JeanPepin and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!
If i read your post correctly, you’re asking to be able to enter a value numerically with your keypad?
This is a fairly regularly requested feature, if that’s what you’re after, let me know if that’s correct and i’ll amend your posts title to reflect that.
Yes, for exemple if you want to put -0,12 for ARP/SEQ RATE it’s very difficult with mouse maybe with a better quality of mouse precision but on 48’’ OLED with usual mouse, it’s very ‘bordel de merde’.
Welcome to the community from me too @JeanPepin.
Just in case you don’t know.
On Windows when using the mouse while holde CTRL or when rightcliking the mouse, then you can set fine values with the mouse.
There are similar possibilities with a MAC.
I didn’t know this but I’m glad I know because it solves my problem. At the same time, do you know how to put the MS-20 on hold?
Glad to hear that @JeanPepin.
Please post about this in the Korg MS-20 V forum to keep the forum as tidy as possible.
Then i reply you there.