Entering a specific rate value in BPM manually

In the Pigments’ sequencer, I’d like to specify a rate value of 57.5 BPM. But I can’t because turning the rate knob with my mouse won’t let me get to that value. Is there a way to enter a value manually (with the keyboard)?

Actually, the song I’m building a sequence for plays at double that rate (115 BPM). It’d be nice to be able to set the song’s BPM and then have a separate input to specify a division of that, much like when using Sync (i.e. the Rate setting being a division of the BPM value coming from a DAW project).

In case it helps, I use Pigments in Analog Labs V Collection 9 on a Macbook.

If you hold down Control while adjusting with the mouse it will allow much finer adjustment. Using this approach I was able to set a BPM of 57.5. I couldn’t find a way to enter values manually, but feel sure I’ve seen it done on a Jon Audio video

Hey Thanks! Using Control while adjusting with a mouse click-drag worked. I wonder if that’s in the AL docs. I’ll look it up… I haven’t come across Jon Audio but I’ll look him up too.

But I might also write-up an Enhancement request to have BPM entry at the preset level (not just globally) in Analog Labs to be able to leverage the Sync option w/o a DAW.

HI @EricP and @ElectronicDreamPlant

You can also ‘fine tune’ most parameters in Arturia products by using the right hand mouse button too, but currently it’s not possible to enter the tempo manually as you describe.


Thanks! I actually just found that out myself by looking at this Jon Video clip:

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