DoubleBass for EMU and Pigments

DoubleBass from E1 to E4 (a bit streched on higher end).
The original wav samples last longer and are louder. I don’t what’s being lost when importing into EMU. I’ll try with MicroFreak.

Emulator II_Preset_Contrebasse_20230915_16h15.emux (1.3 MB)

Short example:

For Pigments, with the same samples.
Pigments_Preset_ContreBasse_20230916_08h30.pgtx (3.2 MB)

Range: E3 to A4
The note length is right. The mapping forced (?) by Pigments goes from C octave to C octave. I had to tune higher slots (C and D) and they become less natural.
Short Pigments example:


Hey @francoise thanks for keep sharing your sounds with Pigments and EMU.

Keep exploring :zap:

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Thanks for the presets. They sound pretty good. Would be nice if an Emulator expert could chime in to help out with the sustain in the Emulator preset.

Tried to make it loop. Not realistic but may be usable as Contrebasse preset with audible loop.

Emulator II_Preset_Contrebasse vJ_20240806_14h31.emux (1.3 MB)

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I’m certainly not an Emulator expert. I use Amplebass Upright daily.
I think Arturia should offer a realistic Upright preset in Emu, Pigments or maybe Augmented Strings.