Doing my first basic 64 step seq-learning as I go
where the spice button is located is written dice underneath… so far im able to select the spice button and what all that seems to give me is the macro which at full isnt doing much right now , its making note lengt too long but nicely doing and upward oct thing-but this is very short and dosnt seem random it seems to notes in and around the same place in 64 steps get pitched up and oct and back this is nice butI want it more random and happen more ofter using them acro control upwards
the gate length just is going long -too long with spice
T use dice is it a case of shift press dice and this continously varies the amount of randomness in spice ffrom not much to alot everytime you shift press?
Or am not actually using properly
Is there a way to edit parametes of spices i.e make one oct up 2 octs or alter the randoms of note lenght from going to very long to zero not altering but still getting the oct change?
is it editable? its not super musical right now