CV gate drops when playing notes in succession


There have been a few reports of keystep pro’s CV gate bugs. I have experienced myself a few already.

One of the most severe and urgent ones is CV gate drops. Have a look at a previous report at the legacy forum : CV Gate Drop (BUG)

When I play notes in succession fastly, sometimes I get gate drops in the succeeding notes, hence the note stopping. I confirmed this with a oscilloscope. Whenever it happens, I have to reset the keystep pro, either factory reset or turn off/on. This is really annoying and frustrating.

Hi @cjunekim we’re glad to see you here!

Thanks for bringing this topic back from the Legacy Forum.
We understand the frustration this could cause and there are many possibilities why CV implementation could bug.

In order to help you better please log in to your account to contact our support team and create a dedicated Tech support ticket to provide the maximum details about your setup and settings used, we want to ensure this to be properly logged if necessary.

Best :zap:

Hello, I have the same problem. Is there a solution?
Suddenly the KSP skips irregularly notes send by CV. I tested with different cables and synths.
Resetting helps sometimes. But problem reoccurs quickly.