Cubase MatrixBrute patch scripts

[Copied across from the legacy forum]

To easily select MatrixBrute patches from the Track Inspector in Cubase, you can use the attached patch scripts.

Open the attached ZIP archive and copy the “Arturia” folder into this folder (varies slightly with the Cubase install drive and version):

C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 6_64\Scripts\Patchnames\inactive

Alternatively you can use the Start Menu to find the folder by selecting the following item:
Start Menu → Steinberg Cubase XYZ → Cubase Application Data Folder
Then browse to scripts\Patchnames\inactive and copy the folder as detailed above.

You can now install the patch script as follows:

  • open the MIDI Device Manager
  • click “Install Device” and select MatrixBrute or MatrixBrute factory (the first uses the row/column names, the second uses the factory patch names)
  • select “MatrixBrute” (or the MIDI port it is connected to) in the “output” menu.

To use the patch script, select “MatrixBrute” or “MatrixBrute Factory” in the Track Inspector’s Output Routing menu (select the entry in the upper part of the menu for the MIDI Device). You should now be able to browse the patches in the Program menu in the Track Inspector.

The attached patch script files can be edited to show your own patch names if you wish. You can have as many patch name files as you want, just use different file names and different names for the [device name] and [script name] fields.

NB: The file with the patch scripts has the extension".matrix". Rename the extension to “zip” when it has been downloaded (the forum doesn’t accept .zip extensions for attachments…)

Cubase_MatrixBrute_patch_scripts_ZIP.matrix (4.4 KB)

Since I made a program to extract the factory patch names from the MatrixBrute Sound Design page, I can offer up a text file with some additional information per patch, such as macro knob setup, aftertouch and comments. The file is attached.

NB: The file with the annotated patches has the extension".matrix". Rename the extension to “txt” when it has been downloaded (the forum doesn’t accept .txt extensions for attachments…)

MxB_annotated_patches_TXT.matrix (61.5 KB)


Fantastic contribution for those lucky enough to own a MatrixBrute… MANY thanks @DrJustice


Mac install instructions?