CP70 going out of tune while using it

I use a MacBook Air, Logic Pro X and a KeyLab 61 Essential controller plugged into the last top via a USB cable. Loving the CP70 I just installed. But, from time to time it starts going out of tune. Ex…several times today, using the My Way preset, I’ll be playing for a bit, notice it’s gone out of tune. I see that the My Way present name now has the * symbol next to the name (My Way*) which indicates a change has been made to the present. However, I have not done any adjustments to the knobs on the CP70. I have also NOT adjusted any knobs on the KeyLab Essential 61 controller, only played the piano keys. So I’m wondering if somehow the Keylab essential is sending signals to the CP70 which makes it go out of tune. Once the CP70 is out of tune if I look at the “advanced” tab it shows the “detune” setting has changed from 0.0 to some other number and I see the * by the present name indicating the present has been changed. Any ideas?
thanks, Morris

Can you repeat the exercise in standalone mode rather than in Logic. That way we can see if it’s a Logic issue.

If it persists , can you reset the keyboard and try again in standalone and in Logic.

Also maybe try using a midi-monitoring app to see if your midi keyboard is sending anything unusual.

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To just chip in to the great advice offered, something i occasionally and rather embarrassingly do, is to accidentally catch the pitch bend with my arm whilst bending forwards.
I did this again a couple of days ago and spent a few mins looking for errant pitch bend data in the midi i’d recorded… it DOES happen :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Hi everyone. Thanks for your replies.

I’ve tried using the CP70 a few times (w/Logic Pro X) since I first posted. Sometimes I’ll use it for a while with no changes to the preset. A couple of times I did notice it change. I did try it for a short time in Standalone mode and did not notice any issues.
I’m starting to wonder if I’m accidentally hitting a knob (ex. the MOD wheel) like a poster suggested. However, when the issue dose happen it is always affecting the “detune” parameter inside the Advanced tab.
I’m gonna keep an eye on things and report back if I can start seeing a pattern developing to cause it to happen.

Ok…so…I spent about 20 minutes playing the CP70 on a preset (My Way) using it in Logic Pro X on my MacBook Air. I walked away to do some yard work outside for about 45 min. When I retuned I immediately noticed the present had changed all by itself…with the “detune” percentage going to 4.6% all by itself.

I’m wondering IF perhaps the KEYLAB Essential 61 sends out a random signal when it’s not being used for a while, like a sleep mode or something.

This problem is not a huge deal. I’m not on stage in front of 1000s of people with a CP70 going out of tune in the middle of a song. It more just a strange occurrence that I’m a bit baffled by.

I’m going to look for some type of midi-monitoring app as a poster suggested. I wonder if perhaps Logic Pro has that type of thing built in?

I downloaded a free Midi Monitor app. I played though the first minute or so of the song I’m practicing. About 30 seconds in I noticed the sound of the CP70 change (the detune). I looked at the Midi Monitor app. It was almost all “Note On from Arturia Keylab Essential 61” EXCEPT one item which was labeled “15:15:14.586 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 57”

Any idea why the Keylab is sending out that random message?
Should I take this issue to a different, Keylab controller area of the message boards?


I decided to again, walk away and see if the Keylab sends midi messages on it own. Yes, it does. After about 12 minutes of being idle, not touching anything, the Midi Monitor app recorded this…

16:54:12.297 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 56
16:54:12.297 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
16:54:12.308 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 57
16:54:12.308 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88

AND, those messages, change the detune setting on the CP70 to 1.6 (from 0.0)

thoughts on how I might prevent this from happening?

Hi @Morris. Welcome back.

A Keylab Essential MK3 indeed do seem to be set to send data on midi CC#87 in CP-70 V.
assignment controller=“87” param=“HardwareDisplayControl4” isrelative=“0” min=“0.000000” max=“1.000000” channel=“0”

However in the Midi Config for the KeylabEssential controller in the right panel Detune is set to be controlled by midi CC#80. Are you using this midi config or another?

I’ve not yet tested and found out what HardwareDisplayControl4 is.

But your controller should not send out midi messages by it self.

Are you sure your controller setup in Logic is correct, and you don’t send midi messages to your controller, that can cause this issue?

Do you have the same issue when you use CP-70 V as a standalone application outside a host?

I agree in principle that MIDI controllers shouldn’t send sound-altering messages by themselves.

However, some do - my Yamaha sends a constant stream of timing messages which thankfully don’t change anything audible.

Time for a support ticket, I think, as only Arturia will know for sure what the controller should or should not be sending out by itself. Could be a fault.

I use Windows and MIDI-OX can filter out MIDI messages; perhaps there’s an application like that for Mac that you could use in the meantime to block the tuning ones.

I have not set up any kind of alternate midi-configurations.
I think I’ve had this Keylab essential 61 for 3 or 4 years. So, maybe it’s a first or 2nd generation instead of a mk3?

I’ve just started the CP70 in Standalone mode and started the Midi Monitor app. I’m gonna walk away and leave it along for a while to see if the Keylab sends out midi messages on on its own.
I’ll report back later.

thanks for your help : )

Ok…I left for about an hour or so with the CP70 in Standalone mode and YES, the Keylab Essential is still sending out midi messages on its own, even in Standalone. Here are the messages …

11:11:25.600 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
11:11:25.609 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
11:19:48.933 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 56
11:19:48.943 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 57
11:29:40.681 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
11:29:40.691 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
11:41:39.736 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 56
11:41:39.747 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 General Purpose 5 57
12:10:44.108 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
12:10:44.121 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
12:16:15.548 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
12:16:15.561 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
12:17:20.714 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
12:17:20.728 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
12:27:03.376 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
12:27:03.396 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
12:33:20.705 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
12:33:20.722 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88
12:37:32.521 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 87
12:37:32.536 From Arturia KeyLab Essential 61 MIDI In Control 1 Controller 85 88

Also, looking at the CP70 in stand alone mode, the “detune” function DID get changed by those messages. The messages changed it to 3.1%.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to set the CP70 to not accept the particular midi messages that cause the “detune” to shift?

Is that possible?

I’m now looking at the CP70v in standalone mode. If I click on the little gear in the upper right hand corner then choose “midi” it has a list of midi parameters and controller numbers. Yes, it looks like cc80 is supposed to control the detune. However, the Midi Monitor app is showing that the Keylab is sending out cc85. (strange)
Anyway, next to the Detune (in the list) it shows there you can set a Min and Max percentage. I’m wondering if I set the Max to 0% (instead of 100%) that might solve the issue. In effect it would perhaps make the CP70v ignore a detune message.

Hi again @Morris,

I suggest you contact Arturia support through your account.

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If you are using with a DAW then yes you should be able to filter out various Midi messages, at least you can in Cubase.
I’ve had several synths over the years that send out timing information as @Yearofthegoat stated, but your issue does seem rather weird.

I do agree with @LBH that it would be a good idea for you to log into your account and Contact Arturia Support.

I have a similar problem with my KeyLab MkII. Some faders send messages on their own.

I tried blowing some compressed air, and putting some oil (DeoxIT Fader FN5S-2N Mini-Spray) but it’s still doing it.

I ended up creating a custom User Template in the MIDI Control Center where I set each fader mode to “Off”. So they don’t work anymore, but at least I don’t get these ghost MIDI messages.