Connecting MicroFreak and DrumBrute Impact via MiniFuse 2 to computer

I would like to connect both the MicroFreak (MF) and DrumBrute Impact (DBI) via the MiniFuse 2 to either my Linux desktop or Macbook laptop. The DAW is still to be determined, but will most likely be Reaper.

What I’ve picked up so far from video tutorials is that one can sync the MF and DBI via clock in/out. Should both the MF and DBI MIDI outputs then be connected to the MiniFuse inputs on the front panel? And the MiniFuse would then be connected to the computer via USB.

The idea is to use the sound output from the computer for audio output/monitoring. Both the desktop and notebook connects to a Marantz M-CR511 receiver.

Suggestions would be appreciated.

Hey @nextstep and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

I think you’re over thinking this a little, which is pretty easy if you’re new to all this.

Think of your computer as the ‘hub’ for all of this as you’re using/will be using a DAW.

Connect your audio interface, Minifuse, to your computer via USB, as it’s supposed to be.
The Minifuse will then act as your audio and midi interface. (you can also connect the MicroFreak and DBI via USB if you don’t have enough ‘DIN’ midi sockets for your usage. Most of us have a mix of the two, or have done/will do at some point. If you’re wanting to purely use DIN midi, then you’ll have to chain the MF and DBI by going from Midi OUT on your MiniFuse to Midi IN on one of your devices, for arguments sake we’ll say MF and DBI in that order.

So, connect Midi OUT from your MiniFuse to the Midi IN on your DBI, Midi OUT of the DBI to Midi IN on your MiniFuse. Now you can see you’ve made a complete ‘circuit’ in effect.

You’ll also need to put each device on its own midi channel, or else you’ll trigger both devices with the same midi notes, unless that’s what you want of course.
You might have to configure your MF or DBI to do so though by using their internal settings options.

So now we have your ‘Midi circuit’ connected and your MF on Midi channel 1 and the DBI on Midi channel 2.

For audio connections, you’re currently using a Hi-Fi amp, it would be a really good idea to put some kind of small mixer between your AudioFuse and Hi-Fi amp, or get some kind of monitoring system capable of handling the higher output levels of more professional gear.
Hi-Fi gear works at -10Db, whereas most pro audio gear works at +4Db, so you’re running the risk of damaging your Hi-Fi amp if you’re not careful. A set of powered monitors will also be flatter in frequency response, which is more desirable for musing production.

You can connect the audio outs from your MF and DBI to the audio inputs on the front of your MiniFuse and monitor the two either through your DAW or MiniFuse.

For DAW specifics, you’d be better off posting on The Reaper Forums if you do decide to go with Reaper.

Hope that makes sense to you?

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Thank you for the detailed reply, @matjones !

I’m completely new to this (as you can tell), let’s step back a bit. The aim for now is to monitor the output via my current setup (the Marantz with Mordaunt-Short speakers). I’ll start with headphones, though. There is no budget left for active monitor speakers, space is also a factor.

The USB outputs on the MF and DBI cannot be used for audio output, and that is why I’m getting the MiniFuse 2. The MiniFuse has gain controls on both the XLR/jack inputs, as well as a monitor level control. I reckon it should be fine (in terms of not damaging the Marantz receiver), as long as I’m careful.

ps - I haven’t received any of the gear, it’s due for delivery this week.

Hi again @nextstep

We’re ALL new to this initially, EVERYONE who’s ever posted or will post here, so you’re in good company.

Personally, i’d wait until your gear all turns up and you physically have it in front of you. I like to visualise and do ‘thought experiments’ myself too, but as you’re new to this; i wouldn’t try and think too much about it until ‘the big day’ :wink:

You’ll find it MUCH easier being able to physically get hold of devices and experiment, make mistakes (which is ESSENTIAL) and have successes with them… i know i know, it’s exciting and you can’t wait to get your hands on it all… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you MUST use a Hi-Fi amp, then make sure you don’t run the output of your MiniFuse anywhere near to full as you’re HIGHLY likely to blow something in your amp/speaker setup… so be VERY careful…

If you’re new to MIDI too, then THIS is an essential bookmark for you and superb bedtime reading as it will send most people to sleep rather quickly :wink:

Most importantly, just take your time, keep your expectations of your gear and yourself realistic and HAVE FUN! :sunglasses:

Quick update: I received all the components, and briefly tested the DrumBrute and MicroFreak (so-called smoke test).

And I also decided to get a pair of monitors (Monkey Banana Gibbon Air 4") since I don’t want to be tied to the computer all the time).

So, next up will be another look at the YouTube videos whilst getting up to speed. This will be a steep learning curve, for sure.

Will update this thread once I’ve tested connections via the MiniFuse.

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Great stuff, glad to hear it’s all turned up and DO keep us updated!