Configure pads to switch tracks and arm them

I’ve had a Keylab Mk3 for about a week. I’m currently using Ableton Live Lite.
I’ve read the Mk3 manual and watched YouTube tutorials, but I can’t figure out how to do the following: configure the pads to switch tracks and arm them at the same time.
I know this can be done with the main knob, but I’m used to using the pads.
Is this feasible? Either in the DAW program or in USER mode?

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Hi Carlos, and welcome : )

Are you referring to the drum pads?

Hi there! Yes, the drum pads. In fact, what I am looking for is a quick way to change a track (with an instrument) to another one (with another instrument).
Prior to the Mk3, I had a Keylab Essential, and I used MIDI Mapping to do this. It was very easy. But now, I don’t get to know how to “personalize” this in my Mk3.