Clock sync to external gear failing?

I’ve been trying to get the KSP to sync to external gear and in every case it seems like it’s failing to do so, I’m really hoping I’ve missed something obvious. I’m mainly trying to get the KSP to sync clock to Pamela’s New Workout, I’ve tried the patch-cable clock in, I’ve tried midi-in via the Pam’s expander, in every case I’m running 24PPQN, and I’m reasonably certain I’ve got the settings on the KSP set to accept that (sync set to external, and 24PPQN). However, when I set the KSP to run, the resulting BPM is higher than what is expected, and is juggling around to different values constantly. I can get better details in terms of the difference between input/ouput BPM soon, just ran across some time to type this out right now. Thanks in advance for any help on this!

Edit: So I just loaded this up again, it does seem like a clock wobble that’s leaning toward a higher bpm. For example if the input clock is 190 the KSP jumps around from 189-220. Comparing the two on a scope shows the KSP definitely not lining up and jumping all over the place. Still not sure how I could fix this though

I just got a Keystep Pro and I literally came to this forum because I was experiencing the same problem, in my case syncing the KSP to my Digitakt. I found an archived forum post that said you could try turning off “Step Listen” in the Misc section of the Utilities menu. I tried this and it worked…temporarily. Strangely the problem came back.

A little while later I was troubleshooting, moving cables around, and I unplugged the USB cable, which was connecting the KSP to my switched off computer. Suddenly the tempo went back into sync! I plugged the USB cable back into KSP, and the tempo starting fluctuating all over the place again. Mind you, my computer was off this whole time. I then turned my computer on, and once it was booted the tempo was normal again.

IDK if you are connecting to a PC or powering via USB, but it would be worth a try to avoid USB connections and see if that resolves it.

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Oh my god that was it. I was powering the KSP via USB to save space on my over-extended power outlet, switching to AC power fixed this issue completely. The BPM readout on the KSP is no longer flailing wildly around when synced to external gear, thank you so much! Going to update my ticket with Arturia so they’re aware, maybe we could get a fix for this in firmware.

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Awesome! Glad that fixed it for you