Cant use a drum and a synth sequencer simultaneously on the beatstep pro

Hi there, i have a problem with using my mopho synth with my tr 707 simultaneusly, it happens i Can only use 1 at the time, when i desconnect the drum from the midi out the mopho starts but when i Connect the tr the mopho stops… its very weird, sequencer one is with channel 1 and the drum in channel 10… any help will be appreciated!

Hi @Aik . Welcome to the community.

I’m not sure i understand your setup.
Perhaps it would help me or another, if you posted all your excact setup connections between all your devices.
What send the clock?

I’m wondering if perhaps the mopho only accepts one signal (one midi channel) at a time? In other words, I think you need to use a separate synth (ex. the mopho) for your synth sequence (ex. on midi channel 1) and a separate drum machine (on midi channel 10) in order to do what you want.

I don’t know the mopho so maybe this reply is not helpful.

When I use the Beatstep pro…I have a Microbrute on midi channel 1, a Minibrute on midi channel 2 and a Alesis drum machine on midi channel 10. Is all seems to work correctly with that configuration.

I’ve also been able to have the Beatstep Pro control 3 tracks in Logic Pro X, a synth receiving on channel 1, a synth receiving on channel 2 and a drum synth receiving on channel 10. With this setup, the Beatstep Pro is in charge of the tempo and Logic Pro X just hosts the instruments. I did have to watch a YouTube video to learn how to set that up.

Good luck figuring it all out.

It sounds like you are just running MIDI straight to those devices right? So how are you splitting up the MIDI?

What I do is all with the Studio One DAW.

I actually convert the channels 10 and 2 of the lower two sequencers in the Studio One’s external device dialog for the MIDI input. Or I do it on the track. Those would be possible with other daws too.

Then I get the channels and sequencers onto seperate tracks and I just route them to different devices not paying attention to which channel all channels in or out are 1.

Only time I might go with a different channel would be if there was a 2nd keyboard like on Arturia B3 or 3d keyboard. usually for me 1 channel is enough.

If you are directly routing to the MOPHO and the 707 with no computer that is a whole different setup I have not got either of the instruments so I can’t say what it is. There is an issue above a guy who is using a Roland S 1 and it has a different type of MIDI in its jack (B type while the Beatstep Pro uses A type) so needs an adaptor if that’s any help. Higher up on the forum more recent post.