Can't find the free software

Hi, I just installed my key lab essential 49 mk3 and the main software went on a treat (universal midi controller + analogue lab V) It says “contains one product Activated - 4 activations left”

So somewhere it mentions that all the 5 software apps are downloaded ‘silently in the background’ but there is no sight of them! I also tried the ‘REINSTALL ALL’ but again it only installed the Analogue Lab V

What am I doing wrong here and how do I get the rest of my software? I went to the ‘product page’ but Ableton live light is nowhere to be seen.

If you click on the lozenge that shows your KeyLab Essential, you’ll see a list of all the products that are included with it. That may simply be Analog Lab V. If you see only that, it’s the only thing included. The 4 activations left are not separate products. You are allowed to set up Analog Lab V on additional computers you own, in case you take your controller to other workspaces, like a studio computer, a laptop you travel with, etc.

Typically for things like Ableton, you’ll have received a separate email from Arturia with a key code that lets you unlock Live Lite once you download it from Ableton directly. Hope this helps.


thanks very much, I followed your guidelines and found all the codes!


HI @buchangrant and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum*.

That’s great news that @stickster has come up with the solution for you and you are up and running now. :smiley:

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