Canadian dollar under attack; implications for music products labelled in US$

No, Putin is not behind the assault; and EU will soon taste the medecine.
It will impact prices labelled in US$.
I’m well off but many Canadian musicians are thriving.

Non, Poutine n’est pas à l’origine de l’assaut et l’UE goûtera bientôt la médecine.
Elle aura une incidence sur les prix étiquetés en dollars US.
Je suis relativement à l’aise mais beaucoup de musiciens canadiens n’ont pas cette chance.

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Australian Dollar is taking a hit too. It happened since Trump became President. To put this in context, the AUD usually hovers around 0.65 to 0.67 USD.

Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 14.10.34

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In any case in France we are always one train behind, given the incompetence of our leaders and the utopian vision of the EU the only thing they know how to do is to clench their buttocks while waiting for it to stop.
And I am not talking about the great BlaBlateur his lordship Macron.
In any case we will always pay the cash register Whatever people say, Whatever people do the World will always continue to turn on itself.
The only regret is that the time is over when texts accompanied by music served as beacons to avoid the pitfalls of ignorance and stimulated our neurons so as not to fall into the trap of time-consuming speeches like this melody of a flute player to lock us in the ghetto of single thought.
There remains Music to prevent us from sinking into the obsolescence of tomorrows without a future.
Yours sincerely.

De toute façon en France on est toujours avec un train de retard, vu l’incompétance de nos dirigeant et la vision utopique de l’U.E la seule chose que ceux-ci savent faire c’est de serrer les fesses en attendant que ça cesse.
Et je ne parle par du grand BlaBlateur sa seigneurie Macron.
De toute façon nous passerons toujours à la caisse Quoi qu’ont en dise , Quoi qu’ont fasse le Monde continua toujours à tourner sur lui-même .
Le seul regret c’est qu’il est fini le temps ou les textes accompagnés musicalement, nous servaient de phares pour nous éviter les écueils de l’ignorance et stimulaient nos neurones pour ne plus tomber dans le piège de discours chronophages comme cette mélodie d’un joueur de flute pour nous enfermer dans le ghetto de la pensée unique.
Reste la Musique pour nous empêcher de sombrer dans la désuétude des lendemains sans avenir.
Bien à vous.


Thank you, Simon and Pascal, Canadians are preparing to fight back and the global economy will suffer, in the UE, Australia or elsewhere.

I created the post to point out that Arturia might face uncertainty, like all other music companies.

For many of us, music is the oasis in troubled times.


Oh right… Yeah, I missed that subtext. You make a good point, though I’m starting to see this kind of issue with many developers, including games.


The Canadian dollar went from 1,30 for 1 USD, weeks ago, to 1,47. last week. Now at 1,43.
I was pointing out to Arturia that the strenght of the US dollar may impact their sales, at least from Canadian musicians.

At least Canada stood up to the aggression (with the help of the financial market).

Music producer for video games, what a great work! It did not exist in the 90’s, like sound designers.
I use to make video games for language teaching in C and Lisp. in the 80’s and 90’s.

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