Can you add third party sound banks to Analog Lab Play?

Question in title. Just want to know if third party patch bank import is possible in Analog Lab Play.

Hi @billbill
That’s a good question!

I’m not currently at my studio machine so can’t try myself, but if you open ALP, navigate to the ‘Explore’ tab from the hamburger icon on the top left hand corner of ALP and see if you can see and download some of the free soundbanks.


I believe it can load sound banks from the built-in store. My question is if it can import banks from other locations, i.e. third parties who do not sell on Arturia’s store. I own AL Pro already, so I can’t test it myself.

I’m wondering the same. The specs say “limited browsing” but it’s not clear.

Yes you can import any third party preset bank in the current version of Analog Lab Play, there are no restrictions !

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