In Pigments 6, the Macro knob labels are forced to all-lowercase text. Is this a bug or a design choice? If it’s a design choice, I’m not a fan. It artificially limits visible naming options for those Macro knobs.
I notice the other pill labels have the same all-lowercase text, but when you click on any of them to open the associated dropdown panel, the available selections in the panel are still mixed-case text. This results in visual inconsistency between what you selected and what it shows that you had selected (e.g. the user selected “Poly KBD” in the “Env 2 Retrig Source” panel, but the button now shows “poly kbd”). The all-lowercase text is also inconsistent with the mixed-case labels on all the other elements. Obviously not a functionality issue, but not a GUI choice I feel positively about.
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This is how it is designed. I am not sure why, so I will ask my colleagues the reason.
As you mention, functionality is the same.
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Yeah, can’t say I’m a huge fan either. I mean I can live with it but it’d be nice to have the option to use a capital letter if I feel so inclined.
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If I remember right, V5 changed the Macro labels to all upper-case. I didn’t like that either. Mixed-case is best-case.
I noticed this too. The inconsistency with the other GUI elements like section labels and page controls is rather jarring. It sticks out especially in cases where the pill serves a similar purpose to other labels. For instance, there’s a pill selector for the waveform modifier in LFOs (Smooth, Key Track, or Fade), so that label shows up as lowercase, as opposed to all the other, similar LFO control labels which are Mixed/Sentence Case.
In addition, pills often have values that are either acronyms or abbreviations, and those are harder to discern in lowercase, especially for those of us whose eyes have more wear and tear.
It would be great if these returned to Mixed/Sentence Case or UPPERCASE if possible.
That being said, this is such a nitpick on an otherwise truly exceptional update with the new modal engine, filters, and modulation options. It definitely won’t keep me from making cool sounds!
Count me in for having the ability to use upper or lower case for the macro labels. My labeling would be all upper case. The mid blue on black isn’t the best contrast either. When i am performing my mind registers upper case faster and my eyes like it, too.