[BUG] Moving down preset list with arrow keys no longer working

After the latest V 1.6.0 update now using the arrow keys is no longer possible for changing presets when the list of presets is in focus. What happens is after moving some number of presets down the cursor jumps back to the top of the list, holding down the down arrow just loops over the same presets.

This is the only V Collection instrument that I’ve encountered this issue with - MS-20 V, Prophet VS, Analog Lab all work as expected with the arrow keys.

This was tested on macos 13.6.1

As a workaround I’ve just discovered that the arrow keys work fine to change presets when viewing the instrument and not the preset list

Hey @pike thanks for identifying this bug! We’re sorry to hear about it.

We will let our team know about this in order to add it to their priorities and they will contact you.

Please let us know if you find any other issue.

Best :zap: