BSP & Mother 32

Apologies if this is already known but I can’t find the answer on google. Is there a setup for the beatstep pro to sequence the Mother 32. I’m aware the BSP outs 10v and the Moog needs -5/+5v. MIDI triggers the M32 sequencer. Reason for this is the BSP is a better programming experience than the M32 sequencer.
Thanks in advance.

Didn’t use the BSP for my Moogs just yet, but isn’t 10v in total (0-10) the same as +/-5v (bipolar)?

I believe the moog is max +5v (in the -5v to +5v range) and the BSP outputs 0 to +10v thus overloading the M32. I was hoping there might be an offset setting Arturia might have applied in the firmware. That’s what I’m getting at.

We had a post about this last year:

I don’t think there is a solution in the BSP. You’d need another device that can do the necessary DC offset. Although if you look through the Reddit post linked in that previous post, people have commented with possible workarounds that may limit the note range, but at least allow it to function usefully.

Thanks friend. Yes, I’ve heard you need an offset module but I’m not a modular guy so would be a steep upgrade. I’ll get on with learning the M32 sequencer.

Thanks for your help.

FYI, if you need Mother 32 cv gate external control, APC 64 can support this. I’ve got one so will give it a go.

I use BSP with my M32 all the time, I have not noticed a problem. trigger/tempo sync fine, notes fine. you can turn down the oscillator freq or select a lower note on the M32 “keyboard” to get a range you want.

Yeah so I can get cv gate to work that way too. But, and I might need someone who understands cv better than I, but to get C3 on the M32 turning the Frequency down, you’re still sending M32 6-10v and it’s only designed to take +5v. Basically I could be harming the electronics. You noticed any issues? The BSP sends 0-10v to get the 10 octaves at 1v per octave. The M32 works at a range of -5v to +5v that’s why you only hear the top 5 octaves. But that’s receiving 6-10v to trigger what you’re hearing. Yeah, this is giving me a sore head too but don’t want to burn out my M32.

Hello Keith, I was just reading your comment there and i own a small oscilloscope that I use as a reference in my system. Ive attached it to the Seq1 Pitch Out on the BSP and watched while i send out a 4 step, C3 note. At C3 the BSP outputs exactly 5 volts, go up by and note value and the voltage goes up. If your worried about your M32s, and I have 3, dont go past that point and you wont pass the 5 volt threshold. I hope this helps.