Hi Everybody… I’m really devastated…
My PB connect was in need to be upgraded to version 3.1.1.
So I connected my PB hardware to the computer and it failed several times (2 or 3 times at least)…
I tried again and I don’t know why this time it seemed to work and the download began… slowly… 1 percent at a time so I left my computer waiting for it to be done as it seems it will take at least half an hour to reach the 100%…
When I came back I just saw “The upgrade has failed” one more time… “please reboot your device”…
So as I was about to relaunch all the process I realize that my PB, the synth itself, was not reacting as it should be… the led screen wasn’t opening… NOTHING works… NO SOUNDS… Only the little led “Poly” in the left upper corner was lighted… I really think I’m gonna cry and collapse…
Is it something that can happens?? and How?? what’s the problem? and is there anybody that can help me on this topic?.. or do I have to send it back for it’s still on warranty but it kills me to think about this idea…
Please someone help me.
Here’s some emergency advice: make sure you’re not using a hub when flashing, and also try a shorter cable if you’re using a long one. Swap out the USB cable anyway if already using a short one, since the golden rule of electronics is servicing is “always suspect the cable”.
When the Poly LED is on, this means the unit is in “bootloader” mode, where it’s ready to receive a firmware update. If you can’t get Connect to talk to the PolyBrute, try rebooting the PolyBrute: switch it off, hold the Poly button and power it on while holding the Poly button for a while. Then try the update again.
Hello and thank you for your help. To be honest it could be the cable indeed so I get a new one. I was thrilled by your emergency process with the “poly” button but unfortunately it didn’t work… I swithched off my PB, press and hold the button on the uuper left side and power th PB on again holding the button but nothing happens…
Is there another possibility or a proceeding from Arturia to, maybe, reboot the PB manually?
Not that I know of. When in bootloader mode, with the Poly LED on, it requires a firmware update. Do you still get the Poly LED on?
Other things to try: use a different USB port, or if you have the possibility, try updating from another PC. If none of this helps, you’ll have to contact Arturia support.
Edit: my message got strangely cut off - it’s completed now…
Wow… Hallelujah!.. my dear Dr Justice yousaved me… I just found a solution and my PB works GREAT!!! again… I guess I made a tragic mistake even if I still don’t know exactly what… I just downloade the NEW VERSION of the PB Connect and after that retried your proceeding with the Poly Button and at that time the new PB Connect told me that the PB needed new firmware but the linked was made again… so I updated my PB (even if I still have made it a few weeks ago but it told me it was only the version 0.2.0!!!)… but eventually IT WORKED PERFECTLY and my PB is ready again without any loss on the presets and my way of storing them… So my dear Doc I just want to say THANK YOU to you for this proceeding with the “poly button” was never mentioned anywhere to me in the instruction manual… so I really really thank you Sir… Have a great 2025 my friend!
Thank you for your help my friend but I found a solution… I end 2024 with a lot of stress but my PB eventually is working fine again. Thank you!
I’m happy to hear that it worked out - enjoy your PB with the v 3 firmware
You have a great new year too!