Hi I am trying to get all of my gear and wares working and midi-synced in a way that works in time and tracked and recorded…
Gear and Ware:
Garageband on Mac
AUM on iOS iPad Pro 2018
iConnectAudio4 A/D interface
Arturia Beatstep Pro
Moog Subsequent 37 CV
midi keyboard
also possess an old midisport 2x2
I am just so in the weeds here trying to figure out how to get everything clocked and in sequence… unsure what to set as master/slave or where and how… lost with the double whammy of AUM and iConnect midi grids - throw in BSP and GB and I’m lost in a maze in over my head and my logic trees are breaking…
I would like to send the Moogs into iConnect4Audio and AUM iOS to add effects and other AUM tracks of software instruments controlled and sequenced via BSP. I have achieved getting the synth and dfam into AUM, adding effects, but then in figuring out how to sync AUM tempo and also the midi routing gets me all messed up. But yeah I’d like get all that piping into GarageBand for recording and mixing…
I have had other elements of this working somewhat from time to time , like using subsequent cv and gate outs to get the DFAM at least moving in relative time - though I still am lost when it comes to the differences between gates, cv pitch, and where to send them auch as adv clock, trigger , etc - but then if i change something or try to get everything working under ONE midi clock it doesnt work or I just get lost in a black hole…
Should I be slaving everything to the Beatstep pro, that being plugged into the mac mini with GB as the DAW maybe slaved to BSP USB Sync, sending BSP clock via midi or midiSync to Sub 37 CV, in turn using CV outs and gate outs on Sub37 to DFAM (or control DFAM from BSP!?)? If so how to do all that properly in the signal hierarchy ?
but then there is the USB port on the Sub37…
Just want to have everything going into GB so I can have external gear sequences and BSP controlled and and mapped AUM processed channels all tracked and recording at same tempos in GB…
but how can the BSP be able to be set as master to GB (being plugged via usb into mac mini) yet ALSO be controlling the iOS instruments because BSP can only be plugged into one or the other ? I guess this is where the iConnect unit is supposed to some in? UGH… too many moving parts for my small brain.
I’d be grateful for any help here…