Augmented Strings Intro

I noticed today in my Arturia Software Center that I have a license for Augmented Strings Intro… Is this different than the the regular Augmented Strings library? I thought I had purchased all of them…


Hi @danielh02
Great to see you’ve made it here to the new Sound Explorers Forum!

This is actually the first i’ve heard of this myself, so had to do a quick web search, Aug Strings Intro.
Making a bit of an assumption here, based on previous ‘Intro’ softwares… they’re generally more ‘cut down’ versions with a smaller library and control set, like i said though, that’s an assumption on my own part… I’ll have to make some enquiries…

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Intro was a free version they gave out as a promotion when Augmented Strings was released. If you have the full version, there’s no reason to install Intro.