Augmented Mallets

Hi Peeps
I just tried to take advantage of the AUG Mallets offer only to get the engine but no presets. There was a bit of fuss gettin g a registration code and two goes at downloading and installing.

I’ve had this happen before with one of the effects apps.

Update, I tried authorising the demo of Yangtze and the same problem occurred - no presets.

HI @Hoe-Naye

Sorry to hear about this, looking at the time stamps of your posts, i’d have to guess it was down to the huge amount of traffic this year’s Xmas present from Arturia caused.
I would try uninstalling both plugins then reinstall and try to register again.
Please let us know how you get on.

Hi Mat

Thanks, I did the uninstall routine and managed to get the aps working as VSTs in Logic. I haven’t tried the stand alones yet

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Great stuff! Good to see it’s as it should be now.

I had a weird thing happen in ASC. Augmented Mallets gave me the Authorize button, but it never gave me the Install button. Uninstall and Clear Prefs did nothing. I had to download the installer from the website to get it.

I don’t have alot of use for Mallets, but then this goes beyond that. I’m sure I’ll find a few good uses for this.

I had this same issue @Hoe-Naye. I tried uninstalling, re-installing, etc. Presets still didn’t show up in Mallets. Finally I found this article from Arturia saying that the presets database file needed to be regenerated and this worked for me. Hopefully this might help out anyone else who has this issue.