Audiofuse Control Centre Crashing When Turning Off or Disconnecting a USB Connected Arturia Device

I had an issue a while back where the AFCC would crash on my Mac whenever I turned a USB-connected Arturia device off. It happened with the PolyBrute 12, the Astrolab, the MiniFreak, the DrumBrute Impact and the MiniBrute 2S. If I turned off any other connected USB device or instrument, it didn’t happen. It exclusively happened with Arturia devices.

I thought the last FW update fixed it but a few weeks later, it started happening again. I reinstalled AFCC and that seemed to fix the issue until it started again the other day. The AudioFuse 16Rig itself is fine, it’s just the AFCC.

Before I reopen the ticket, I was wondering if any other AudioFuse 16Rig users had experienced the same or similar?

Sorry for the late reply.

This issue is fixed in the latest firmware (2.0.0).
Let me know if you experience it again.



Thanks Niks. Since updating to 2.0 the issue does appear to be resolved :slightly_smiling_face: