AudioFuse 16Rig ADAT Focusrite Clarett 8pre


I’ve set up the 16rig as the clock source and the 8pre as the clock destination (not using word clock, only using optical cable). I’ve tried this on sample rates 44.1k and 48k. The 8pre is indicating a locked sync, however the 16rig is not detecting the additional 8 digital channels.

ADAT out 16rig—>ADAT in 8re

ADAT out 8pre—>ADAT in 16rig

Am I missing a step here or do I have a defective unit?

Thank you for any help

I have such a set-up but using a Behringer (forgive me) ADA 8200 as the ADAT expander.

The first issue I had was that you must use the first ADAT in/out on the 16Rig. It’s marked 1-8 and I think only this ADAT out has a clock.

Also the 8200 had to be switched to “clock slave” mode via a switch on the back - not sure how you do this on the 8pre.

Finally, and embarrassingly, after some head-scratching I noticed that all the Behringer gain knobs were set to zero…

Once I switched to 1-8 on the back of the 16rig and flipped the Behringer to clock slave, and turned up the gain, it worked flawlessly.

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HI @nsjobuk and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

As @derriz generously describes, you’ll need to set up a ‘master/slave’ relationship between the two units, usually a good idea to use the interface (unless you have a VERY nice dedicated clock unit) as the master device and your ADAT unit to slave.
I use AES here for my Neve 8801 into my RME FireFace UFX III and it’s the same method for all digital connections, although some do require the use of a Word Clock connection too.
ADAT, afaik, always carries its own sync signal and shouldn’t need Word Clock, certainly seems to be the case from my own experiences using ADAT connected devices.

If anyone knows better then please do chip in!


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Thank you for the kind response:) Shortly after I posted my initial query, a pipe burst flooded my apartment and have been hopping around, so haven’t had a chance to respond.

But in better news I did figure out the issue! It was that I had to specify (within the Focusrite Control software) that the 8pre’s ADAT outs were being fed by the 8pre’s analog inputs- rather than by DAW playback… Why this would need to be specified is a little strange in my opinion, but :man_shrugging:t4:

Thanks! turned out to be an easy fix within Focusrite Control app- specifying the 8pre’s ADAT output was being fed by it’s very own analog inputs (for some odd reason this isn’t the default setting)

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I’m struggling with exactly the same issue hooking up my Clarett 8Pre to the Audiofuse 16Rig. I’ve tried setting the ADAT outputs on the Focursite Control software the same way you suggested but perhaps I’ve not got it absolutely correct. I’m slightly losing my mind over how to resolve this hopefully simple thing.

I want to simply add the 8 channels of the Focusrite to the Arturia but just cannot get it to work. Any screen grabs or anything you could share would be welcome. Thanks to any of you who can kindly assist :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if the screen grab is set up correctly either.

Here are my other settings in the Focusrite Control. I have tried alternative settings and still no inputs appearing on the Arturia software :frowning:

and hopefully one last question. When I previously used a Behringer Ultragain Digital to expand my Focusrite Pre8 (before I bought this new Arturia) I only had to use one cable for the ADAT connection. Just tested the Arturia with the Focusrite and got audio by running two cables (in and out) from one interface to another. Is this correct?

Sorry for so many questions guys :slight_smile:

Hey Sukyaneer,

I currently use 1 ADAT cable to expand the 16rig.

My Current setup is:

ADAT Out 8 pre to ADAT In 1-8 16rig

I have audio going into Analog Inputs 1-2 on my 8 pre. I have ADAT Outputs 1-2 on the 8pre in Focusrite Control set to Analog 1-2. That Audio is then sent to the 16rig ADAT Input 1-2.

Hope this helps!

I’ll take a look tomorrow and see if this works.
Been struggling with setting up in the Audiofuse Software to be honest, just so many options and with no happy results with this!

Interesting that I tried two cables (in and out) between both interfaces and they worked instantly but found this surprising. The manual seems to suggest you do this too.

Thanks again


Which one do you have set as the clock source? If it’s the 16Rig, that could explain it as I believe it would need to send the clock through its ADAT out port.

Yes, I was using the 16Rig as the ‘master’ and the Focusrite as the slave. Thought that was what was recommended.

Ah, such challenges! :slight_smile:

I think you can go either way, but with the 16Rig as the master, it will need the connection from its ADAT out to the Focusrite ADAT in to send the clock. Another option is to use the word clock connection instead.


I’d recommend resetting Focusrite Control to factory defaults.

Then changing the source feeding ADAT outs from DAW playback to Analog inputs 1 thru 8.

Hope this helps:)