AstroLab firmware update 1.3.5

Arturia has uploaded the AstroLab 1.3.5 firmware update on its website: AstroLab Resources
(scroll down for AstroLab and Analog Lab Pro updates downloads)

This version includes improvements to the MIDI implementation (MIDI channel filtering) and WiFi 5GHz support, as well as several fixes.

Please note that before updating your AstroLab, you first need to update Analog Lab V to its newest version (at least 5.10.7_5324).

Refer to the AstroLab Update Process page.
In case of issues, refer to “AstroLab Update Fails” section on the AstroLab Troubleshoot page.

Was it really worth an update? Nothing of the items fixed that bothered us users (or am I wrong here?). Still hoping that arturia listens to customers that are willing to use the instrument as it’s meant to: live performance. Just have a look at all the good ideas for improvement in this forum. While not all of them will be fixable due to hardware limitations, I’m quite sure that a lot can be made better via software.

Come on, arturia!

Yes, it was very much worth an update.
And yes, you are wrong.
Improved MIDI implementation was the #1 request from what I gathered, While there’s still room for improvement, this version is much better for using AstroLab connected with another keyboard or with a sequencer.
5GHz WiFi support was also a recurring request (not from me, I was fine with 2.4GHz).
There are also several fixes in this version that were important.

I’ve seen that you have made some requests/suggestions regarding Playlists and main volume control. Those are valid points. And there are more good suggestions for others as well. I can’t speak for Arturia regarding what will be implemented in future updates and when/if specific requests will be included or not, but I know that Arturia is listening to customers and trying to tackle the most common/useful features first.
Arturia also has its own plans for updates, so I guess it’s a matter of priorities and work-load scheduling.
Since the first release of AstroLab in April, there’s already been 3 updates in late July, late September and early December. And there are definitely more updates on the way.
I’m also waiting to see what’s next, but in the meantime, I’m happy using this latest update.


Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want to rant too much, I just was a little disappointed since I was looking forward to the next update but none of my wishes were fulfilled. I had no problems with MIDI so far and didn’t use the app/wifi either so the update really didn’t bring anything new for me.
And I’m actively using my astrolab on live gigs and love the concept.
Still missing better support for controllers, especially the two aux pedals.
I’m in the software industry myself and I know for sure that scheduling a release isn’t that simple especially if you also have a certain sense for software quality. But I think that some of the proposed features might be quite easily to implement - I still would love to see kind of a roadmap so we can see what’s planned next. But maybe that’s a too confident info for the public.
So we just sit and wait and hope and sure also enjoy our cool instrument with a couple of improvable limitations.


Do you think they will improve the looping features on the astrolab? its a shame that you can not overdubb sounds.

As Arturia as noted in the AstroLab FAQs regarding the Looper:
AstroLab currently offers 1 single track (up to 32 bars), and no overdub function , but changes to these features are planned for a future update.
That said, there’s no indication of which improvements are planned for the Looper, nor when they might be implemented. There will surely be several more updates for AstroLab in 2025.

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