ASC says "downloading latest version 0%" then disappears

I am running Mac OS sonoma 14.1 on an Intel 2019 Macbook Pro.

When I click on the ASC app I always get a dialog that says “downloading latest version” and “0%”. That dialog disappears then nothing happens.

I checked in my Downloads folders and see nothing from Arturia.
I tried it several times, then waited half an hour, no luck.
It is still happening.

Hi @philburk ,

That dialog box mean it install ASC. It’s not installing your audio products.
If ASC actually are open after this, then you just have to click the install buttons for the product you wish to install.

If ASC close and you can’t open it to install the audio products, then i suggest you try to uninstall ASC and then download and install the newest version. Hope that help.
Uninstall like this:

Also please keep this in mind:
This fact does’nt mean nothing work, but that it not tested fully yet.

In case this does’nt help, then please contact Arturia support through your Arturia account.

Thanks. I reinstalled ASC and it seems to be working.

Great @philburk . Glad i could help. Thanks for reporting back.

INFO: The software instruments from the V Collection X are now officially tested compatible with macOS Sonoma.