Just bought the V Collection and I’m trying to install for a day now. The ASC keeps showing that dialog “trying to install a new helper tool” and asking me for permission, which is given and 1 minute later asked again, never installing anything.
I’ve tried to give full permission to read and write on the file: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.Arturia.InstallHelper
which is overwrited as soon as I give permission again to install the helper and the permissions reseted to read only, and the cycle never ends.
I’m running MacOS Monterey version 12.6.6
on a M1 Mac Studio.
Now when it doesn’t ask for the helper (sometimes when trying to install one by one instead of “install all” on the ASC app) it just pause the installation when the download is 100%, when I click resume it shows installing and then back to download 100% and pause. I click resume, the cycle restarts. Disgusting. It’s been a whole day. Looks like just bad code writing. Never got an issue like that with native access. How can they code vintage synth emulations and can’t code a decent installer ?
it sounds like you are still using ASC to install the instruments. just curious. have you tried using a more direct route?
if you go to support downloads and manuals you can download an offline I gather installer for each of the v_collection and FX_collection that you might own. try installing on that way and see if it works,. might get you further and the asc properly loaded to get the rest done
It’s a long shot but have you tried turning off “Silent Install”, if enabled, in the ASC preferences under the Advanced tab. I seem to remember some having failed installs with this enabled…
Thank you for the help. I’ve updated my OS to the sonoma, and the helper tool dialogs gone, now most of the plugins installed after several “install all” clicks because some of them just gets “paused” and you have to click install again to resume, then again, then again, until you get most of them installed. Now I got to a point where the last five won’t install even one by one. It’s just a ridiculously bad installer, the worst plugin manager I ever seen. I’ve been through waves, native instruments, universal audio, slate and others, and never ever seen something so bad written. Even the design looks like a amateur html code, like a safari window pretending to be an app.
They don’t even have a link to download all, so I have to go one by one searching for the offline installer, click to download, then later install one by one. At least I won’t have to do it with all of them cause with a lot of work I managed to install most of them.
It does seem to be the case in some parts of The World for sure.
Here in The UK i can max my connection out from their servers, Just under 300mbps, but i do know some American users have had bandwidth issues.
I know it’s not much comfort but having lived in Italy and now back in the UK, I have never had an issue with ASC. This may just be a low bandwidth problem and all I can suggest is to keep trying.
Normally i just click one button once, and then all is installed without any issues.
I have no idea why you have had all this issues.
Hopefully you will have no issues at next install or update.
I’m on Windows, so i don’t know what that helper tool is. Can’t help thinking if this was/ is the culprit.
Normally server overload issues should only occur with the arrival of new updates that give loads of traffic from lots of users at the same time, and it should only mean it take more time before things are downloaded and installed, if any issues at all.
Off coarse there can be local network issues. But you say you run other installers without issues. Should be the same for ASC.
Now I installed all, but just the ones that got installed after the OS update are working. So I’ve tried the “reinstall all” button. Doesn’t work. Tried to hit “uninstall all”, doesn’t work. Tried to uninstall a single plugin, and this doesn’t work ether. I sent a message to the support since day 1, never got an answer. I think I still can get my money back, I will see how can I do it.
ASC is as obtuse as F#ck. It doesn’t seem that they want to do anything about the issue with install buttons that don’t respond or allow any choosing to install from file or update. They also don’t let you install just one synth, but right away begin operating on your synths in some random order only it knows, so it deletes files and uninstalls things, right away as soon as you click ‘install all’. There is the play pause after it says installing, but without having the exact version that they are at personally issuing the time you are doing it, which they will send to the ASC as soon as you license the VSTs to your machine, you can’t install the old files you downloaded before, so you will have to wind up redownloading 35GB (V Collection with the augmented instrmuments series).
I have spent about 8 hours trying to get my computer to install these. I thought for a moment that I had analog lab working after installing each of the 8 or so EXE files (changing location to N drive rather than C, which didn’t take, as everything still went in the C drive) this is because I can’t install anything with the ASC. I was playing it for a minute, but after going back into the ASC it seems that it is missing some Augmented samples. Though I had also installed several Augmented files, I doubt I got to the samples. I stopped trying and I guess there won’t be anything from Arturia in that computer.
Also there is some problem on my main music computer where the standalone files won’t open the prefs window for audio and midi. You have to go into the Program Data for a deep dive to find the prefs files for each synth and delete them, in order to get the synth to open the AUDIO MIDI dialog again.
The Arturia setup gets worse and friggin worse. There is no way to install the synths and programs with one installer. There is no way to prefer external locations for the massive data folders. No agreeable way to reuse installers after they update the version number which seems to happen about every time I change my computer. 1 week between versions? 1 month? Then I am supposed to download another 35 GB. Ridiculouse. I could do the download, over a couple of hours. But I won’t. I don’t want to it’s not practical.
You actually CAN install each instrument one at a time, specifying which versions you wish, as well as being able to specify an external or separate internal HD/SSD for their location too.
It’s only possible to chose ONE location for ALL though.
If you open ASC, then click in the top right hand corner where it says 'welcome (your name) and then ‘Preferences’, then click on the ‘folders’ tab and you can assign to which location you wish ALL your Arturia products to be assigned to. You can chose different locations for your Resources, VST 64/32 plugins too.
If you then click on the ‘Advanced’ tab you’ll see a ‘Silent install and download size optimization’ option, deselect this and you will now be able to install each plugin manually, also giving the choice as to which version/s of each you wish to install also.
That should sort out some of your issues.